Dr.C.K. Velayuthan Nair MS
(General Surgery)
Dr. Rema.V. Nair MD, DGO

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Thrayambika Vidya Mandir

Educating children is a great responsibility and privilege in equal measure. To make it work, we need to put a lot in. This begins with seeding the desire for lifelong learning in every student. Then we instil a respect for diversity, an appreciation of what it takes to be a genuine global citizen, the skills to both follow and lead, and ultimately the self-confidence to achieve academic and personal success. 

We want our children to become independent young learners who are ready for a challenge and our curriculum actively supports this aim. In our school community we encourage everyone to respect each other and try their best.

Our goal is for every student to finally outgrow us. We want them to become ready and able to take the next step, secure in the knowledge of who they are, and what they do best. 

We believe that everybody has a unique place within our school family and the contribution that they make is important. We offer a friendly open school where we work in partnership with parents and the community.

Ours is the care in preparation. Theirs is to go out and make a difference.

We look forward to being a part of your child’s development, both intellectually and socially, and we hope that you and your child will enjoy a happy and fulfilling time at Thrayambika Vidya Mandir.

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